Thursday, April 19, 2007

Technorati Favourite Exchange.

This is my attempt to increase traffic to this blog. I'm trying to get this blog more attention. Thus I think this is great way to be discovered. It has been quite successsful in the other blog. So here I'm submitting the other blog to participate.

The idea came from DoshDosh,who are trying to get into the top 100 of Technorati Favourites, by achieving only that she could easily expand readership of her blog. Which means ultimately more traffic. But then again this is an experiment, you might be interested if the ideas seems logical and to me it does really leads me into that way.

Another benefit that you could get by getting yourself into the top 100 Techorati favourites is it improves your social credibility. Which might be important if you're participating in affiliate programs. Advertisers will see this as gain to them that they're advertising in a blog with lotsa readers. Thus opening more opportunity for your blog if not now at least in the future...

You might wanna read more what she wrote about this experiment. So just click here.

Will it Works?

I know it sounds easy, especially at the time being you only need about 115 votes from anyone to get you into the top 100 of Techorati favaourites. Moreover, top 100 Technorati favourites simply depends on how many votes of favourites that the others fellow bloggers cast for your blog. Regardless of how many backlinks that you got in your blog which they (Technorati) used to determined your ranking.

However I personally think the contents of your blog will be the no.1 determinant, weather or not the other blogger wanna add your blog to their favaourites. The more attarctive or useful information that the blog provides for it's readers and I gues the more chances it will get easily favourited by fellow bloggers thus increasing the chance to be in the top 100 Technorati favourites.

Nevertheless, it's never wrong to try. I stressed it again, that this is after all an experiment to proof that being in the top 100 Technorati favourites will leads to more traffic to your blog. You never knew till you try it right?

How The Technorati Exchange Work?

If you're like me, who think the ideas will work then all you have to do is to add me into your Technorati favourites. Once you done that just leave me a comment stating your link and your Technorati ID so that click on the buttonI could add you as my Technorati favaourites too.

Add to Technorati Favorites

Any Chances to Lower Technorati rank?

You could like Maki said in DoshDosh make a new post in your blog and link to my post and Maki post or any other blogger post who participates in the experiment, in your posting and thus adding us into your backlinks.

You might also wanna add your own opinion so people could really learnt even more on how to create more traffic by participating in this experiment. Whatever it is please let me know about your posting and I'll put a link to your post into this post.

Which hopefully will lower your ranking in Technorati and reciprocally mine and everyone else who participated. So do your part now and I'll do mine and we'll soon see the results.


sanbro said...

Hi i had added u to my favorites and please fav me

Anonymous said...

I’ve just added you to my favorites..

Here is my link..

For those who want to exchange with me, just go to the following post on my blog..

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've faved you!

Please fave me too @ Add to Technorati Favorites

My link exchange url is here

Drop me a message when you fave me, k?


cosmicsurfer said...

Hello my friend, I just finished Faving your Blog.

This is my ID - ironmanxart

Fav Link

I have a Technorati Favorites Exchange going on at my site too !
I Have the "Share the Power of Technorati Favs" setup too, by Mr. Gary Lee !

This is a Great Experiment, it'z Working !!!******

Thank you my Friend !!!******

Anonymous said...

hey there sweetie! i've just added you as a favorite on my technorati! ^^

my id there is hipermoderna!
and my blog is!

lots of luv & peache from brazil!


Dilip Mutum said...

Just faved you. Here's my link:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I faved you! My Technorati user name is tharsos. You can favorite me by clicking here. I also started a Technorati exchange and linked to your post from my blog:
If you have a place in your post for a list of other Technorati exchanges feel free to include my link as well:) Thanks!

Apple iPhone said...

I've just added you to my Faves.

My Technorati username:

My blog:

Add to Technorati Favorites


Graham Ettridge said...

Hiya :)

Great post...failproof strategy (I hope)!! Let me know how it goes. Best wishes, G!

lisa q. said...

didn't even know you had this blog girl! just added it to my's my little money manking resource blog...

Add to Technorati Favorites

thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend!!
Just feved your blog. please make same to mine.
my link:

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